S I G H T S tj|tl|in|ca|st

L A K E   C H A M P L A I N

Burlington, Vermont

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Sight: #16

Location: Lake Champlain near Burlington, Vermont

Hours: Open year round

Admission: Free!

Link: Tourism Website

Rating:   (5 max)

Considered the sixth largest fresh water lake in the United States (only the Great Lakes are larger), Lake Champlain spans an area of approximately 490 miles. Far longer (108 miles) than it is wide (12 miles), the lake is pretty deep, the deepest point measuring a whopping 399 feet. The lake holds a fascinating and storied history of battle and bloodshed, but today it offers up a different point of view. On this day it is calm and inviting, peaceful and playful.

Come join me now as I walk down to the lakeshore and check out the views.

Description & Pics

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