S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

U . S .   B O T A N I C   G A R D E N

Washington, D.C.


Welcome to the jungle! The refurbished Palm House holds the Concervatory's Jungle Exhibit. From floor to ceiling this space measures a lofty 24 feet.

This placard promotes environmental conservation. Various views into this jungle setting provide the necessary insight to understand the importance of not destroying our planet for quick profits. The same money can be made, many times over, if thoughtful utilization of our limited resources is embraced and instituted.

Wow! That's a pretty cool looking tree, its trunk is massive. Turns out it's plastic. So maybe some of the orchid blossoms in the Orchid Room are plastic afterall? Using plasic in a botanic garden is surely a slippery slope.

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Natural Sand Art, Cannon Beach, OR
Three Gossips, Arches National Park, UT
Bike Dragging Fun, Zion National Park, UT
Waldo-Hancock Bridge, Verona, ME
Kalispell, MT
Zebra Shark, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA
Chinese Grauman Theater, Hollywood, CA