S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

U . S .   B O T A N I C   G A R D E N

Washington, D.C.

Indeed, these plants do look very old. I would only be half-surprised if a dinosaur popped its head up, stopping in mid-chew, to check out the humans who have ventured into its vegetative smorgasbord.

Information pertaining to all you'll ever need to know about gymnosperms.

You're welcome.

Hmmm, a mystery, the sudden appearance of flowering plants. An alien introduction, perhaps?

Plant species that flower enjoy a larger margin of success over their non-flowering compatriots.


Finally, I've stumbled upon an oasis. I'm thirsty, I'm dehydrated, so where's the water that all the previously encountered mirages had cheated me out of?

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Naval Cemetery, Point Loma, CA
Natural Sand Art, Cannon Beach, OR
Ausable Chasm, Keeseville, NY
Big Sheep, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
The Lucky Bucket, Phoenix Gold Mine, Idaho Springs, CO
Sandpoint, ID
Reflecting Pool, Washington, DC