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I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U F O   M U S E U M
A N D   R E S E A R C H   C E N T E R

Roswell, New Mexico

Or do some folks have just waaaaay too much time on their hands?

Here's a book filled with personal UFO sighting testimonials.

Who would have thought Nazi Germany had a WWII spacecraft program going on? Go figure.

Contrasting technology for contrasting tastes. Here we have the British VZ-9V Avrocar and the Anti-Matter Reaction Gravity Amplification Interstellar Craft. Interesting in crashing? Go with the VZ-9V Avrocar. Interesting in touring the Andromeda Galaxy? Go with the Anti-Matter Reaction Gravity Amplification Interstellar Craft.

Here are a few guides used to differentiate alien craft from human craft.

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Canyon Cloud Cover, Grand Canyon, AZ
Hope Diamond, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
Feisty Bird, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Pro-Life Demonstrators, US Supreme Court, Washington, DC
Reflecting Pool, Washington, DC
Devils Tower, WY
Surf’s Up Dude, Mission Beach, CA