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I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U F O   M U S E U M
A N D   R E S E A R C H   C E N T E R

Roswell, New Mexico

Papers were swelling with a glut of UFO sightings. What the heck was going on then?

With so many sightings, a system of UFO classifications and categorizations was in order.

Even the fashion industry was influenced by the UFO craziness.

Alien UFO sighting in Ushuaia, Argentina? Looks real enough to me. If that is a spaceship, it must be a mother ship because it's huge.

Ahhh, The Roswell Incident. I'm sure you've heard about it. Here's a map of the impact site. A good portion of the Museum is dedicated to providing information about that historical 1947 incident. This display is the start of that effort.

Nearby I see this model of an alien spacecraft.

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Bizarre Bicycle, Pacific Peach, CA
The Needles, Cannon Beach, OR
Church Ruins, Taos Pueblo, NM
Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, UT
Somewhere in Central Colorado
Siberian Reindeer, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Sunset, West Mitten Butte, Monument Valley, AZ