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I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U F O   M U S E U M
A N D   R E S E A R C H   C E N T E R

Roswell, New Mexico

Having so far neglected to get a panorama of the Museum, here is a portion of it. This is a pretty big place.

In the center of it all I find RALF - Roswell Alien Life Form.

Here is RALF's spaceship.

Okay, back to the incident. In 1989 some folks surveyed and mapped the Roswell Debris Field.

Another model of the spacecraft crash site. I think it needs alien blood and guts.

Oh, look at this, a fragment analysis exhibit.

Someone donated these debris to the Museum in 1996. Supposedly they originate from the crash site, some soldiers stuffed them into their pockets and spirited them away. As you can see by my reaction in the last picture, I'm just blown away by them all.

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Sunning Sea Lion, Monterey, CA
Somewhere in Central Colorado
Badlands Sunset
Quaint farm, Carr Valley, WI
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Petrified Landscape, Petrified National Forest, AZ
Tall Sailing Ship, Bar Harbor, ME