H I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

M O U N T   M A R C Y

Adirondack State Park
Upstate New York

I have reached 3,500 feet which means I have another 1,700 feet to go. Somehow knowledge of that fact doesn't fill me with giddy delight.

Feeling a little spent I stop for a snack break. I'm really starting to sweat up a storm and after taking a quick inventory I determine my water supply is running a little low.

Hey, that's funny, you can see the scar on my ear in the second photo. It's two thirds of the way up on the outer edge. Can you see it? It looks like a little horizontal line. There is a far larger scar on the other side of my ear however. Well there's an amusing story behind it. I slammed my ear in a steel door one day when taking my bike out of the basement. I was 16 at the time and had exited the basement hundreds of times prior without incident. You see, the doors I exited from were slanted, the storm cellar kind.

On the fateful day, with bike held to my right shoulder with one hand, I casually threw the first door up with my free hand. The door should have risen to the upright position then locked but it didn't. But I didn't know that. So with my attention fully focused on raising the other door, the first door came crashing down on my head and somehow my ear was lacerated. I ended up going to the emergency room to get stitches. But I really think I got off easy with just stitches, I was lucky I hadn't fractured my skull!

While munching on my granola bar I look up and see these tree-tops. I like the color differential, the yellow against the blue.

When my snack time expires I continue on with my hike. As I move along the trees start to thin and I spy this view of Mount Marcy. I'm glad to see her. Seeing her gives me a good idea how much further I have to go. Looking at a sign that only tells me how far I have to go just doesn't cut it. I have to see the destination with my own eyes.

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Somehwere in Western Colorado
Cotton, Southern Tenessee
Ceremonial Dance, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
Double Arch, Arches National Park, UT
Hiking to Mount Marcy, Adirondack State Park
Glacier National Park, Logan Pass
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, DC