H I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

M O U N T   M A R C Y

Adirondack State Park
Upstate New York

I step away from the marker then snap this picture of the top. Apparently I not alone on the mountain top. As it turns out, these three guys are from NJ and are camping only about 3 miles from here. So in the end I really am the late idiot who is last to reach the mountain top and has plans to hike all the way back out.

Hey, wait a minute. Where did the lens cover defect go? After a little trial and error I discover the zoom function negates the lens cover problem because it effectively crops out the outer portion of the picture, the portion that shows the partially deployed lens cover. So I'm back in the saddle again! Yeeeeeh Haaaaaw!

Don't mess with the plants!

Oops, I almost forgot, I need to perform my last time check. I finished the last 0.6 miles in 25 minutes so that puts me at about a 1.4 mph pace. I guess that's okay because it's the steepest section of the hike. In summary, it took me a total of 4 hours to hike 7.6 miles which averages out to 1.9 mph. That's a respectable pace.

At the top of the mountain I take this 360-degree panorama. It's broken up onto 3 panel sets.

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Couple atop Mount Chocorua, White Mountains, NH
Billy-Bob’s Cabin
Hovering Seagull, Fort Allen Park, Portland, ME
Momma Gorilla with Baby, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Atop the 120 Meter Tower, Ski Jumping Complex, Lake Placid, NY
Old Faithful, Yellowstone
Spokane, WA