H I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

M O U N T   M A R C Y

Adirondack State Park
Upstate New York

A see this pyramid marker in the distance. They're used to indicate where the trail is. There are no trees up here to hold a trail sign marker so they resort to alternative means.

Another method used to designate the trail is to mark the rock with colored paint.

Someone jammed rocks under this teetering boulder to keep it from rolling down the mountainside. I'd hate to be chased down a mountain by a boulder. Things like that are only supposed to happen to Wyllie Coyote in Looney Tunes Cartoons.

This little rock wall marks the trail boundary. The Park Service is really serious about making sure the hikers know where the trail is and isn't.

More up and up, some if it requires me to breakout some of my bouldering skills.

I'm a bit peckish at the moment so I break out a granola bar and start munching on it while I continue my climb. Both hands are busy, one with a granola bar and the other with my camera. And all the while I'm teetering and tottering for balance as I scramble up the rock face. This is the last photo I take before... WHAM! I fall over and catch my fall with the front of my camera. The camera is on and the lens is fully deployed so it takes a direct hit. As soon as it happens I think I've totally "lunched" my new digital camera.

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Atop the 120 Meter Tower, Ski Jumping Complex, Lake Placid, NY
Grand Canyon, AZ
Great Smoky Mountains, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN
Ceremonial Dance, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
Fortynine Palms Oasis, Joshua Tree National Monument, CA
Yellow Fin Tuna, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA
I’m finally home!!! My trip is a WRAP!!!